Cock fighting in Thailand

Watching  two cocks fight  is scary because in "Cockfighting in Thailand"  you see the same stupid violence in mankind.

by Jack Corbett

When two fighting cocks pair off against each other it's going to be a death match.  That's what we all believe, but not here in Thailand.  I learned this on my trip to the village.   No razor sharp spurs for these roosters, which was my first surprise.  My second surprise was far greater and not even imagined.  Suddenly two roosters were thrown onto the ground facing each other and they'd either be immediately fighting with no warm up or they'd be staring intensely at each other the way two prize fighters stare each other down moments before the opening bell is sounded. 


They did this several times a day and that didn't even count one of my girlfriend's brothers who accompanied her father to a nearby spot unknown to watch the real thing wherever that was.   No doubt there was a lot of drinking and gambling involved and my girlfriend wanted no part of it.  Neither did I when she explained to me there'd be a lot of Thai guys asking me to buy them drinks.  

What surprised me was how quick the cocks were to fight.  All it took was just one look.  They never let up either, and not once did a single cock try to get away from his antagonist.  But the scariest part of the whole thing is how much it reminds one of too many humans.  But that's up to you.  Just watch and enjoy while making up your own mind about what kind of commentary all of this is about the horror of the inhuman condition.


Click here to watch the cockfighting video that YouTube banned.  


And what was the story behind that?  For a few months it was going gangbusters on U Tube, then suddenly it disappeared. Was it someone who felt I had abused animal rights by publishing the video and complained to U tube's management?  That's the only thing I can come up with.  I only hope that whoever complained is not eating meat and that the complainer is a confirmed vegetarian.  If the virtuous "animal rights" advocate eats meat he should study just what happens in confinement feedlots for cattle, hogs and chickens where the animals live nearly on top of each other, where they get no exercise and where the normal weight gain from first feeding to slaughter is speeded up more than twice the normal rate.  Not only is this horrific to the animals, it also must be very unhealthy for anyone eating what undoubtedly must be sick, unhealthy animals.  Whereas the animals in this video have free range to wander about the little Thai village where they get lots of exercise, and when some of them are pitted against one another in a cockfight, the decision is left to each animal whether to fight or not.   



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