Let's try Chinese (women)
by Jack Corbett


Before going further, I must warn you that the following is meant to be constructive advice for just 10 percent of all men who will take the time to read it. For all others, lament. Although many of you will certainly agree that there is hardly an American woman alive who brings to the table enough to make her worth going out with, most of you will fail to take the initiative, find the balls, or make the long term commitment to do what is necessary to pull yourselves out of your dire predicament. Hopefully what you are about to read will benefit the few who are both willing and able to act on what will be reinforced here as fundamental truths. But first, I really don’t know much about Chinese women so I will just point out a few observations I have made based on my very limited experience which some of you might want to expand upon in the Reflections at the Looking Glass forum on foreign women. However, based on my very limited experience it is my hope that as many of you as possible will pursue Chinese women to the complete exclusion of American women as I believe they offer far more and deserve to replace as girl friends or wives as many American woman who would otherwise be tolerated by millions of good American men.

Why is it nearly impossible to find a good American woman?

Ever watch a television show or movie in which two or even a small group of High School aged girls are commenting, “I’m so “ bored” as they roll up their eyes” at whatever it is that is bothering them at the moment, whether it’s school, boys their age who are pursuing them, their parents, etc.? The image of the “bored young women” as the epitome of cool insidiously works its way into the consciousness of not just women, but also the men being subjected to such sublimely messages inflicted on them by the American media. The message to be learned is that women have the God given right to be bored by anything and everything that isn’t revolving around them exactly the way they want it to.

Or how about the image of the modern woman who has everything, the good looking doting husband, the big house, the two nice cars, and that such a woman has a right to all of this. If not, then she goes elsewhere to find another man who will give her an even larger house, and a more expensive car while lavishing even more love and tender affection towards her than his predecessor ever did?

Then there’s the image of the bungling, inept, wimpy man that the media is forever fond of projecting. Ever wonder if such stereotyped images don’t have a way of forever establishing themselves into the psyches of both men and women to the everlasting ruin of the country.  I say they do.  We men are a bunch of inept bungling idiots who lost their penises a long time ago.   The media says it's true, therefore it is. 

Hey guys–don’t for one moment think that it is you who are being victimized. I’ve been to too many gun shows trying to get exhibitors and even male customers interested in buying my Xtreme Weapons calendar (which show scantily clad women with guns) only to have one of them say: “I must first have to ask what the boss has to say about it” or “I don’t know if my wife will let me have one of those.”

There can hardly be a more demeaning self-castrating comment to make about oneself, than to refer to one's wife as the boss! And what does the wife have to say about whether or not a man has the right to get a calendar? Chances are, that man is the one who is paying for their house, or at least most of it. Since when does the woman get such enormous power for putting out so little?

Truth is, American women are very spoiled. And we let them get that way guys. And how about all those unneeded lawyers running amok in the divorce courts. Marry a woman today, and if she doesn’t like it, she can divorce you and rape and pillage you for half of what you got. And why? Because she’s got the lawyers and judges on her side. What I want to know is why didn’t you rebel? Why have you been putting up with this for so many years? I don’t know about you but I wrote a novel about it appealing to American men just like you to rise up and do something.

Guess what guys—it isn’t this way in much of the rest of the world. Oh to be sure, it’s just about as bad in countries such as Great Britain, Canada, Australia, France and in Germany where foreign men are busy doing as much as they can to parody the American eunuch. But that only accounts for less than one fourth of the world’s population. Trust me, the American experiment is only that–an experiment in a mediocrity in which men are subservient.

Think it’s this way in Calcutta or in Cairo, Egypt? Or in much of Central America? I can assure you that in such places it is impossible to have the luxury of having a bunch of spoiled, bored, prima donna bitches hanging around griping all day long. And the woman who does is likely to be ridiculed if not stoned to death such as they did in the old days by the entire society she is a part of.

And although I’m sure there are exceptions, I’m sure that the spoiled woman who expects it all while offering so little in return doesn’t fly very well in China either.

Over twenty years ago, I was in Hong Kong. Most of the people were very poor. Housing for the majority was very primitive with entire families having to wait for months and even years for government supplied housing in which the family only had 120 square foot apartments in which to live. Now that’s just 10 foot by 12 and we are not talking here about one or two people living there but an entire family.

Several years later I found myself by mistake in one of these places. There were two rooms with the bedroom being just large enough to contain a single bed that took up nearly every square inch of floor space. The rest of the place was a very small living room containing a very small stove and a couch.

Can you see an American woman resigning herself to living in such a place?

And yet billions of people do. They do out in the provinces in Thailand, in China, and in the country surrounding Hong Kong. And they do in Cambodia and in Egypt, and–shall I go on?

There are 1.3 billion Chinese living in Mainland China, what used to be referred to as the Peoples Republic which had also been known as Communist China. Now it’s just China. Not too far away is another China called Taiwan. Then there’s Hong Kong which used to be a British protectorate until it was recently assimilated by China. Then there’s the 20 % of the Thai population that is Chinese, not to mention the millions of Chinese all over the U.S., Britain and practically everywhere else in the world. Many Chinese are quite wealthy, but for the most part, they are a hard working people struggling at getting and keeping ahead who are not nearly as well off as the average American.

And anyone who’s ever flown on Eva Airlines knows there’s tons of utterly gorgeous Chinese stewardesses. In fact, I think Eva only hires stewardesses who are strikingly beautiful unlike American airlines who must get theirs out of an old folks home. But that is to be expected of  Americans who seem to be making a habit of sticking out a bunch of drab and dreary women out for us as a symbol of what we American males should really want. After all, shouldn’t we be looking for what is beautiful on the inside as if anything that is beautiful on the outside cannot at all be pretty inside?

We American men should be satisfied with our lot in life, which is to be surrounded by a bunch of overbearing, selfish, overweight, arrogant women. Or so the gospel preaches. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Although McDonalds has infiltrated China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, and practically everywhere else in the Orient, for the most part Asian women are not eating up a bunch of hamburgers and other fat producing foods. On the whole Asian women are very slender and nicely proportioned. And don’t ever forget that figure of there being 1.3 billion Chinese. And that doesn’t even count the 60 million Thais, or the 128 million Japanese, the 23 million Taiwanese, the 50 million Koreans, the 84 millions Filipinos and so on. So why must we settle on choosing from the dismal selection of spoiled hippopottamai the U.S. insists on serving up to us?

Truth is, American women cannot help what they have become. Like most American men, American women have been programmed to be what they are. The media, the women’s libbers and even all these eunuchs we call our fellow American men have inserted the key and wound it up so tight that  they no longer have free choice in the matter.

But we do, or at least some of us do. And when you take a woman whose family grew up living in 120 square feet, her expectations are a lot less. But not always. After all, the ubiquitous television set has been pummeling the rest of the world for far too long notions of the good life American women are having over here.

But I digress. The subject after all is Chinese women. But I’ve already admitted knowing very little about them. To begin with Chinese work hard, which is why they control most of Thailand even though they make up only 20 percent of the population. And they aren’t used to all the things we take for granted such as the two cars in the garage, the expensive house in the suburbs, the essential vacations to Europe and the Greek Islands.

I have noticed that many Chinese I’ve been around jump at the chance to try new things. Take the young Chinese guy working in the kitchen over at the local Chinese restaurant. He wanted to try driving my Miata sports car so I let him have the chance to drive it out in the parking lot. My sports car has a stick shift. When he actually got behind the wheel he ended up almost wrecking the car and was only then too glad to call it quits.

But my point is, he tried. And the same is true about the young Chinese waitresses who wanted to shoot my guns or who started to closely look at them at my apartment. They are from what I can determine a very curious lot who are anxious to take things for a test spin.

One waitress climbed a grain leg with me climbing 70 feet up in the air and would have gone up 100 if she hadn’t been stopped by an unmovable object. She did it up a ladder hand over hand. I had challenged her to climb it and she did not balk from climbing it for one moment.

They are unafraid. If they want to call you, they will call you, whether they speak good English or not. And unlike most American women they appreciate having the car door opened for them or being told how beautiful they are. I cannot even begin to describe it except they behave in a very feminine way which is something American women forgot all about how to be many years ago.

I keep thinking of Sigourney Weaver playing the woman heroine in “Alien” as she makes the creature wish it had remained wherever it came from. Soft and tender she’s not. And how about all these women beating up men in the movies?

One of my American female friends was talking to me about that on the phone today. She said, “I’m quite happy to keep house for my husband. I think that is the way things should be. He is the provider and I get and keep everything ready for him and the kids at home. She then went on to say: “And this stuff in the movies with a five foot one inch girl beating the crap out of all these guys because they know martial arts is just a bunch of crap. One punch, just one, from one of those guys is going to take out her lights and the fight will be over just that fast. They don’t stand a chance against a strong guy.”

But come on guys–how many women have threatened to beat you up and you knew they didn’t stand a chance and yet you remained quiet because you are expected to be a gentleman?

But are women expected to behave like ladies? No. They aren’t and oftentimes they don’t. And you really hate it, don’t you, but you never said anything because to differ is to be politically incorrect.

Well I say–bullshit. But I also say, don’t say a word unless you want to write it down such as I have. Insist on finding a woman elsewhere. And Make sure you look for someone who is really a woman and not someone who makes herself out to be a man such as the women here. And who is content with being feminine.

As I have just mentioned, there’s untold millions of beautiful young Asian women who would just love to come over to the states to marry a nice American man. But the danger is this, that they will learn to behave like American women in short order then use our court system against us if they don’t get their way.

Well, not all of them. I think there is a lot to be learned by going to Thailand. When you do, just remember that your dollar rules, or at least it does so long as you realize this most fundamental truth. You will be set upon by countless Thai women who want a piece of that dollar one way or the other. Which really isn’t so bad. Isn’t that what American women want also. Still, be careful of the bar girl. And remember that it’s all up to you whether it’s how much you choose to spend, where you are going to take her or whatever. If she says otherwise, just toss her to the curb and choose another.

If you should marry one of them, the marriage doesn’t mean the same as it does in the U.S. If things don’t work out, again, feel free to toss her to the curb and go find yourself another girl. Try that here in the U.S. and you might very well wind up in divorce court for 2 ½ years such as I did.

But the beauty of it is that in the long run it’s all up to the man where in Thailand the woman cannot extort money from him by either taking him to court or threatening to divorce him and take him for nearly all he’s worth.

Now–I know a lot of women who are reading this are whispering to themselves, “This Jack Corbett is a monster. He hates women and he wants to grind them under his foot.” But this is where you are wrong. I despise men who mistreat women and who consider them as no more than chattel. You must understand that things have gotten far out of hand in this country of ours which has nearly destroyed itself.

If I were with a woman long term I would expect her to do everything in her power to keep herself attractive to me, and also that in the final analysis I should have the last say in all things of importance. But I don’t think I have the right to just run over her and to steal her soul by not letting her be herself. But someone must be the man, and I not only believe I’m the one best suited to play that role, I’m sure of it. So when I say, we cannot afford to do that or I refuse to pay for something, that should end the matter right there without further discussion. If the woman persists, it’s time to seek out a new model.

I have found the few Chinese women I’ve been with to be exceedingly personable. And I’ve had them watch me work out or to inquire about my exercise equipment by asking me such questions as “Do you use that everyday?” And when I say yes, they are apt to say, “Very good.” Most American women wouldn’t even bother. I think where the Chinese girls are coming from is this. They are suggesting without actually saying it: “I see you are pretty fit. Do you accomplish that by working out on that machine?” And when I say I do, they say “Very good,” as if to congratulate me for doing something most Americans are too lazy to do.

I think that many of them like excellence and that they are much more apt to congratulate those who strive for excellence than most American women are who seem to be forever searching for that comfort zone of mediocrity that is composed of low achievers. I think I’m a high achiever, not that I am trying to be the richest guy in the world, but I do work hard at what I do, and I appreciate those who recognize this. Most of the Chinese girls I’ve been around do (which again isn’t many) whereas most of the American woman seem to be somehow threatened by this.

Another thing that I’ve noticed about the Chinese girls is that they seem to have a certain freshness about them that sharply contrasts with the stale look I seem to keep noticing in American women. I think part of the reason for this is because American women are so used to getting what they want and of their trying to keep getting more. And they want it all now. A Chinese girl might want it, but she’s much more willing to take the long term view by working for getting it years from now. And she realizes that she might not get it at all, so I think there’s much more of an acceptance for her lot in life if things are not going all her way at once and that this willingness to view life with more equanimity brings out a certain internal beauty and a glow that an American girl cannot begin to project.

I think we should seek out more opportunities to go out with and to date Chinese girls wherever we shall find them whether that’s over here in the U.S. or over across the pond somewhere else. And although I’m sure there’s a lot of bad ones, we should take that in stride while reassuring ourselves that there’s both good and bad ones in every race and culture (although there’s not many good ones in the U.S. because of all the brainwashing I’ve described earlier). And we need to redress some very serious issues in our court system so that the woman no matter what race or culture she might come from doesn’t wind up getting all the jewels just because she is a woman. For that matter our entire court system needs a very serious overhaul to redress many other serious issues as well such as its being the single most determining factor in out of control escalating medical care costs. And we need to make it easier for foreign women, particularly Oriental women to be able to come over here to stay with us. This thing about outsourcing being bad is not always true. What we really need to do is to out source for our women and put a lot of American women out of business.


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